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|Freshwater Lesson's | 



|The water system| 

|Lesson 1| 

|Lesson 2 |

Examine the inputs, outputs, stores and transfers of the hydrological cycle. Discuss the causes and consequences of the changing balance between water stored in oceans and ice.


Explain the concept of maximum, sustainable yield of freshwater in terms of a balance between inputs and outputs.


























Examine the functioning of a drainage basin as an open system with inputs, outputs, transfers, stores and feedback loops.


Define stream discharge. Examine its relationship to stream flow and channel shape.


Describe the characteristics of a hydrograph. Examine the reasons for spatial and temporal (short term and long term) variations in hydrographs.


examine the role of hydrographs in forecasting the magnitude, spatial extent and timing of floods.



Discuss the natural and human causes and consequences of a specific river flood.






























































Examine the hydrological changes resulting from the construction of dams and reservoirs. Examine

the costs and benefits of dams and reservoirs as part of multi-purpose schemes.

Explain the stream channel processes (erosion, transport, deposition) and explain the resultant landforms found on floodplains.  Examine the human modifications of a floodplain and their effect on the size and probability of floods. Evaluate the costs and benefits of alternative stream management strategies.

Explain the functioning and management of artesian basins and aquifers, distinguishing between natural and artificial recharge. Examine the environmental impacts of groundwater abstraction.

Describe the role of wetlands as a water resource. Evaluate the effectiveness of the management strategies that have been adopted in a major wetland.


Examine the environmental impact of agriculture and irrigation on water quality: salinization, agro-chemical runoff, the pollution of groundwater and the eutrophication of lakes, rivers and wetlands.























































Examine the competing demands for water in a specific river basin. Evaluate the strategies that have been adopted to meet these demands.


Discuss an example of an international conflict related to freshwater.




|The Drainage Basin & Flooding| 

|Management issues & Strategies| 

|Competing demands for water| 

|Formation of V-shaped Valleys| 

Lesson 1
Lesson 2

|Reading/Revision & Assessment| 


|Lesson 3| 

|Lesson 4| 

|Reading/Revision & Assessment| 

Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 6a
Lesson 7

|Lesson 5| 

|Lesson 6| 

|Lesson 7| 

|Lesson 8| 


|Lesson 9| 

|Lesson 10| 

|Lesson 11| 

Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13

|Lesson 12| 

|Lesson 13| 

|Reading/Revision & Assessment| 

|Great Video Resource| 


|Lesson 14| 

|Lesson 15| 

|Lesson 16| 

Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Lesson 16

|Case Study Cards| 

|Revision Notes| 


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