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|Population in Transition  Lesson's | 



|Population change|

|Lesson 1| 

|Lesson 2 |

|Recommended Course Companion| 

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Explain population trends and patterns in births (Crude Birth Rate), natural increase and mortality (Crude Death Rate, infant and child mortality rates), fertility and life expectancy in contrasting regions of the world. Analyse population pyramids. Explain population momentum and its impact on population projections

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3

|Lesson 3 |

|Reading/Revision & Assessment| 

|Responses to high and low fertility| 

Explain dependency and ageing ratios. Examine the impacts of youthful and ageing populations. Evaluate examples of a pro-natalist policy and an anti-natalist policy.


|Lesson 4 |

|Lesson 5 |

Lesson 4
Lesson 5

|Reading/Revision & Assessment| 

|Movement responses— migration| 


Discuss the causes of migrations, both forced and voluntary. Evaluate internal (national) and international migrations in terms of their geographic (socio-economic, political and environmental) impacts at their origins and destinations.

|Lesson 6  |

|Lesson 7 |

Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8

|Lesson 8 |

|Gender and Change| 

Examine gender inequalities in culture, status, education, birth ratios, health, employment, empowerment, life expectancy, family size, migration, legal rights and land tenure.


|Lesson 9  |

|Lesson 10  |

Lessson 10
Lesson 9

|Reading/Revision & Assessment| 

|Geographical Skills lesson| 

|Media Talk podcast: mind the gender gap 

|AO4| Selection, use and application of a variety of appropriate skills and techniques.| 

Spearmans Rank


|Case Study Cards| 

|Revision Notes| 


|Revision:Danny Dorling: Population Growth 18 | 

|Danny Dorling is a British social geographer and is the Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography of the School of Geography and the Environment of the University of Oxford | 

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